Monday, March 10, 2008

At last, the time has come...

Humanity's time has come to an end. At long last, I have constructed the inter-dimensional portal that will allow my legions to access this pathetic little world. Now my Aeroship fleets and my Hawkmen will darken the skies, and the world will moan as I crush all resistance.

Nothing can stop me now, the Gravimetric-reality-chains are in place, and the space-time fabric has been peeled back. Even now, my forces are coming through the gate, massing at a secret location upon earth. The fortress, known as Dimensia I, that I have constructed at the portal shall obliterate anything that puny earthlings could possibly devise.

You know what? I don't even care if you know where the secret location fact. Yes, I will tell you! High above the decadent isle known as "Ibiza" my forces mass to conquer earth. Even now we can hear the thrum of the islands "House music" and see all of the lithe young people and their hedonistic ways. Pathetic. If you think that is hedonism, wait until my reign you miserable apes.

You know what else? I don't even care if you know about Dimensia I. In fact, yeah, okay, know this, Dimensia I is impregnable, except for a single narrow access tunnel on the surface of sector 1, grid seven, by the plasma conduits. A precise strike, right at the manifold behind the control pad will start a chain reaction of plasma explosions that would ultimately destroy Dimensia I and the portal....poor little can't even fathom how to possibly exploit this!

Such is my power, I give you the knowledge you need...and you miserable monkeys still can't stop me!

I am laughing now, and I would translate this into type except I cannot recall how Lunatron reflected laughing in type at this moment. It was LLL or LDL or something, but that's not important, what is important is that you will now throw all of your feeble rockets, missiles, nuclear bombs and planes at Dimensia I in a vane attempt at destroying it, and I will watch from Xanadu and laugh, and clench my fists in joy as you waste your world military power!

Comrades, fellow Eternal Elementals, prepare for attack!

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