Monday, February 25, 2008

Enough Time Wasted

We have wasted enough time. We must now begin our Secret Plan. Wait...has anyone seen Logos? He knows about this, he is purposefully not participating. Again! And again! This pathetic cloud of vapor costs us dearly!!!

I am going to scan the universes for him, I shall overturn all realities and dimensions to hunt him down. I shall find him, and when I do, I am going to put him in a jar. Then I am going to place the jar on a shelf. Then I am going to enable one of the apes "televisions" and adjust the signal to the transmission known as "Friends".

And leave him there.

For all eternity.


Lunatron 9000 said...

It takes a long time for television signals to get to the moon. Currently, the moonrock men and I are watching something called "I Love Lucy." It's pretty good, but the neighbors are annoying. They will be the first to die.

Cetaceon said...

Hole-head? Blow me (pun intended) tweetie-bird! I shall have my orcina heroes deploy bionautic tendrils - with barnacles, no less - up your thong-crack... for hurting my sensitive cetacean feelings.

Raptor Imperialis said...

I know not, nor care not what a "tweetie bird" is. And as far as "sensitive cetacean feelings" you are about as sensitive as a barnacle. You 'd feast on the flesh of your own delphi-mother in order to survive.