Friday, February 22, 2008


Pitiful humans on your pitiful little world. Do not worry your simple primate brains with notions of "global warming" or "terrorism". You will soon face a far greater threat, conquest from beyond your limited notion of reality.

I, Raptor Imperialis, ruler of the Hawkmen, Sovereign of all interdimensions, shall come for you, and nothing...nothing can save you. Soon your skies will darken with my Hawkmen legions bringing death with them upon their wings. Your only choice is subservience or death.

I have at my command a vast arsenal of what you could only term "miraculous technology from the future" but that is laughable you pathetic apes. Because, your species is actually incapable of fathoming the true nature of my technological power that combines Psi-Plasma-Pheromone-Planetary based technologies. Or as I refer to it, 4P technologies. And don't even bother googling it, I own both the copyright and trademark on it. Own it. Like I will soon own your pathetic world you miserable larvae.

At last the final preparations are underway and soon, my interdimensional portal shall be operational and my invasion will begin.

For now, all I can do is alter electromagnetic energy waves in your realm,and hence this blog. I wanted you to know what the future holds for you, and to watch you squirm as I laugh and relish your pathetic attempts at thwarting me.

Lunatron, this is a free blog right? We don't get charged for this?


Lunatron 9000 said...

Yeah, it's free. One of the moonrock men showed it to me. I figured it'd be a good way to break you in to our dimension, as it were.

Cetaceon said...
